
all about TCG and Candy Caps...

Here you will find all important information related to Candy Caps. If you cannot an answer to your question, you are welcome to ask in the forum or discord.

About TCG Level & Reward Cards & Deck
Currency & Tickets Trade Reward Reference
Deck Donation Graphic Donation Freebies

Cards & Deck Types

These decks are categorized by 5 types of decks: Regular, Mixed, Puzzle, Community and Player. Below is the table that shows the different types of cards available here in Candy Caps which provides more information on each deck type.

Filler & Pending Card

You can use this default design from Filler & Pending cards. Or the specially adapted cards that are available for the respective deck in the deck view.

Deck Types

Card View Description Info
Regular decks are single cards.
You can find them in the categories:
Opening / Ending / Episode / Movie / Scene
Count: 16 or 25
Worth: 1
Masterable? Yes
ReMasterable? No
Mixed decks are cards that contain both single cards and one small mini puzzles.
You can find them in the categories:
Character / Pairing
Count: 20
Worth: 1
Masterable? Yes
ReMasterable? Yes
Puzzle decks are cards that contain a large picture.
You can find them in the categories:
Artwork / Community
Count: 12 or 20
Worth: 2
Masterable? Yes
ReMasterable? No
Community decks are single cards.
You can find them in the categories:
Count: 12
Worth: 2
Masterable? Yes
ReMasterable? No
Player decks are single cards.
You can find them in the categories:
Count: 16
Worth: 3
Masterable? Yes
ReMasterable? No

Individual Cards

Aside from regular decks, here in Candy Caps, there are three more individual cards: member cards, event cards and milestone cards. Similar to regular decks, individual cards can also be mastered by 10 cards per set. Below is the table about these individual cards:

Card View Description Info
Membercards are specially made cards for each player. These cards look just like deck cards but a little higher, except they have a symbol in the top center.
Blue Bonbon = Prejoin member
Pink Bonbon = Non-Prejoin Member
Prefix: mc-
Worth: 0
Masterable? Yes
Eventcards are made whenever an achievement happens on candy caps.
They use the same design of the membercard. Available through the weekly updates.
This Cards cannot be traded away.
Prefix: ec-
Worth: 0
Masterable? Yes
Milestone are made whenever an achievement was unlocked by a member.
They use the same design of the membercard. Only available to the member.
This Cards cannot be traded away.
Prefix: ms-
Worth: 0
Masterable? Yes

Reward Mastery

With the Mega ReMastery is to be noted that one may master here from an already mastered anime again. It is important that already redeemed deck for a Mega Master may not be used twice.

Deck Mastery
Regular Deck
Opening / Ending
1 Choice Card, 3 Random Cards (1 Worth per Card), 5x Bonbons
Regular Deck
Episode / Movie
2 Choice Cards, 3 Random Cards (1 Worth per Card), 5x Bonbons
Regular Deck
2 Choice Cards, 3 Random Cards (1 Worth per Card), 5x Bonbons
Mixed Deck
Character / Pairing
First Mastery: 1 Choice Card, 3 Random Cards (1 - 2 Worth per Card), 5x Bonbons
ReMastery: 1 Choice Card, 3 Random Cards (1 - 2 Worth per Card), 5x Bonbons, Special MasterBadges
Puzzle Deck
1 Choice Card, 4 Random Cards (1 - 2 Worth per Card), 1x Lollipop
Puzzle Deck
1 Choice Card, 2 Random Cards (1 - 3 Worth per Card), 1x Lollipop
Community Deck 2 Choice Cards, 3 Random Cards (1 - 3 Worth per Card), 5x Lollipops
Player Deck 3 Choice Cards, 4 Random Cards (1 - 3 Worth per Card), 25x Bonbons, 15x Lollipops
Special Mastery
Mini Mastery 3 Random Cards (1 Worth per Card), 10x Bonbon
Mega Mastery
Mega Mastery 2 Choice Cards, 8 Random Cards (1 - 3 Worth per Card), 50x Bonbons, 25x Lollipops
Mega ReMastery 3 Choice Cards, 9 Random Cards (1 - 3 Worth per Card), 75x Bonbons, 50x Lollipops