Welcome to CandyCaps

a anime screencap tcg

Claire welcomes you to Candy Caps. Candy Caps is a TCG that fills up with all the different anime series. It mainly uses screencaps for card decks. If you're interested, everyone will be happy if you join. If you have general questions about TCG or Candy Caps directly, take a look at the information page. If you have any unanswered questions, Claire is also happy to answer them. Otherwise, Claire wishes you a lot of fun exploring Candy Caps.

Little Question

Posted on
New Level Up's: Congratulations! Keep it up!
Lex (Noob 3)

New Masteries: Good work! Stay tuned!
Kayori (Recall, Monochrome Kiss, COLORS, Hello Hello Hello, Sakura Kiss, Gold Legend, BLAZE, 19 Sai, Kendra's Birthday 2020, Maitland's Birthday 2020)
November 21, 2023
Posted by
- Claire
- Check your Freebies
I'm currently wondering what I can do to get more of you playing Candy Caps again. Or is it that there is hardly any interest in an anime screencap TCG?

If so, please let me know or give me some suggestions for improvement, directly in the update comments.

Stay healthy and safe ^.^

You may take a total of 8 cards.
No more than 2 cards from the same Deck.

For Deck Wishers, you may take 1 extra card.
For Deck Donator, you may take 1 extra card.
For Deck Maker, you may take 1 extra card.
Deck Release Choose

Update Time

Posted on
New Masteries: Good work! Stay tuned!
Claire (Orpheus)
Lex (Experience, Absolute Destiny, Absolute Destiny, Adolescence, Anthy Himemiya, Times Love, Atsuko Kagari, Hajime Ichinose, Lex's Birthday 2023, Moonlight)
November 14, 2023
Posted by
- Claire
- Check your Freebies
Claim this Wish here!
Cards Spelling out:
No more than 2 Cards per Deck.
- by Lex
Claim this Wish here!
2 choice Cards:
per letter of your player name
No more than 1 per Deck.
- by Kayori
Not much to report, dear ones. Except that the number of pictures in the deck creations will be cancelled for the time being to finally finish the decks.

Oh remember from tomorrow the Halloween event is over ^.^

Stay healthy and safe ^.^

*Edit: forgot to explain it.

Kayori's wish is considered in this form. Take your name and for each letter you may take 2 cards that also contain this letter as a deck name.

You may take a total of 8 cards.
No more than 2 cards from the same Deck.

For Deck Wishers, you may take 1 extra card.
For Deck Donator, you may take 1 extra card.
For Deck Maker, you may take 1 extra card.
Deck Release Choose

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