Card Decks

list of all card decks...

Here you can find all decks. The # indicates the count of cards, while the $ indicates the worth of the cards. If you can't find a deck in particular, try using the ctrl/command + f to find it.
You can vary the deck listing. The deck overview is sorted by anime affiliation. But here I also offer you other sorting options. Simply click on the desired link.

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Released Decks

Deckname Anime Category Color Released Since # $
Wedding KissSailor MoonArtworkPurple07 / 02 / 2024202
White DayIDOLiSH7ArtworkTeal11 / 14 / 2023202
Wild FlowersEnsemble StarsSceneRed05 / 04 / 2020251
Winds of HeavenBlood-CEpisodePurple08 / 13 / 2024251
Wonderland!Ouran High School Host ClubEpisodePink04 / 06 / 2020251
YatoNoragamiCharacterBlue03 / 09 / 2020201
You are HereVampire KnightArtworkPurple03 / 23 / 2020202
Young GirlsAKB0048EpisodeBrown07 / 23 / 2024251
Your Nameyour name.MovieRed03 / 30 / 2020251
Yui & RitsuK-ON!PairingYellow03 / 09 / 2020201
Yuichiro & MikaelaSeraph of the EndPairingRed10 / 17 / 2023201
Yuki & KanameVampire KnightPairingBrown10 / 31 / 2023201
Yuuki AnzaiDevils' LineCharacterBlue10 / 01 / 2023201
Zero & YukiVampire KnightPairingBrown10 / 03 / 2023201
Zero KiryuVampire KnightCharacterGray02 / 16 / 2020201

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